Syracuse’s largest nursing home begins vaccinating residents against Covid-19


Syracuse, NY – Loretto Health and Rehabilitation, Syracuse’s largest nursing home, vaccinated 269 residents today against Covid-19.

In addition, 315 employees, or approximately 50% of Loretto’s staff, were vaccinated.

PharmScript, a long-term care pharmacy company, managed the vaccination process.

Julie L. Sheedy, an official at Loretto, said Loretto believed the vaccine “… will help stop the spread, especially with our most vulnerable population.”

Loretto has a second vaccination clinic scheduled for January 13.

Residents of nursing homes, who have been hit hardest by the pandemic, are a top priority in the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccination which began in their facilities this week.

The state has about 85,000 nursing home residents and 130,000 workers in more than 600 establishments. There are approximately 4,000 nursing home residents and 5,000 nursing home employees in the five-county area of ​​central New York City, according to the state health department.

James T. Mulder covers health and higher education. Got a news tip? Contact him at (315) 470-2245 or [email protected]


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