Remedy for viral fever Cold and cough flu for the monsoon ~ Recover the Viral in 1 day from this home remedy

[ad_1] Hello friends, Nowadays, in the rainy season, we all have problems with winter or viral coughs. So, today, we have brought a very easy but effective homemade recipe to solve this problem. Watch this video and make these drinks by making these drinks and making them drink too cold or viral drinks. The cold … Read more

Home Remedies for Seasonal Telugu Diseases | Cold, cough, fever | YOYO TV Health

[ad_1] Home Remedies for Seasonal Telugu Diseases Cold, Cough, Fever Health advice in Telugu: # Seasonal diseases and precautions We are all aware that some diseases are common to certain seasons. Colds, coughs and flu in winter, malaria and dengue in the monsoon, diarrhea in summer are frequent events every year. These illnesses can cause … Read more

Nipah virus encephalitis: How does it spread and can it be cured?

[ad_1] At least 10 people in Kerala have died because of Nipah virus encephalitis, a rare but emerging infectious disease. We are also on Hotstar – For more explanations, and the most interesting videos from the web – For the latest news and analysis – Follow here – Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: [ad_2] source