Taiwanese horror game, devotion, removed from steam despite controversy


Red Candle Games has removed its game Devotion from Steam. The withdrawal comes after a weekend of bad public relations for the game, which has been heavily bombed after being involved in international controversy.

According to PC Gamer, Devotion has launched positive reviews. However, the first-person Taiwanese horror game has been criticized by the discovery of a piece of art in play that seems to make fun of Chinese President Xi Jinping. The art compares the president to Winnie the Pooh, a comparison that the Chinese government frequently opposes. Red Candle Games released an initial statement (which implied that the image was simply a placeholder) and removed it, but after Devotion had been heavily bombed, the developer later made a longer and more complete apology.

"When the art material was created, each teammate was busy doing his own tasks while meeting deadlines," wrote Red Candle Games in his second article. "None of the other colleagues knew about it until we received a private report from a player on February 21 that had taught us exactly what was being written. on this piece of art.After learning this, we immediately replaced the art material by one hour. "

"We would also like to take this opportunity to reaffirm that Devotion's publisher Indievent and Winking Entertainment did not know the art material before and that they were absolutely not involved in this incident," continued developer. "Our partnership is currently over." Red Candle Games ended the apology by announcing that Devotion is now removed from Steam China. However, at the time of writing this article, the game has completely disappeared from Steam. Each game trailer has also been removed from the Red Candle Games YouTube channel.

Devotion is Red Candle's second game, following the developer's first horror title, Detention. Both games use elements of Taiwanese and Chinese religion and mythology to create terrifying experiences that also offer intimate, often hidden, elements of Asian culture. In Devotion, you explore an abandoned apartment complex in Taiwan for three periods in the 1980s, to discover how societal expectations, mental illness and religious fanaticism were negatively impacting the family there. lived.

Red Candle Games has not announced yet if Devotion would come back on Steam. The horror title was only available through the online computer gaming store, so you can not buy it for now.


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