Taliban order women workers in Kabul city to stay at home


The Taliban have ordered all Kabul city workers who can be replaced by men to stay at home, a sign that the militant group now in control of Afghanistan is bringing back its extreme interpretation of Islam that it employed in the United States. 90s.

Kabul’s acting mayor, Hamdullah Namony, said on Sunday that only women who cannot be replaced by men, such as skilled design workers, will be allowed to report for work, the Associated Press reported.

According to Namony, a final decision on women in Kabul municipal services is still pending and they will continue to earn a salary while that decision is made.

After taking power in Afghanistan, the Taliban indicated that they would be more moderate than when they held power before. However, parts of the international community have expressed skepticism about this assurance. During the 1990s, the Taliban prohibited women and girls from receiving education or working. They were also not allowed to leave their homes without a man, mostly trapping Afghan women in their own homes.

In August, the Taliban also announced that mixed classes would be banned. In a Facebook post last week, the Taliban said all male students and teachers in grades 6 through 12 must return to school, including excluding female students and teachers in the classroom. ‘announcement.

“They can be doctors, teachers, be educated and work for the good of society,” Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid previously said. “These are our sisters, we have to show them respect. This country. They fought for our country. Women should be proud of us, not afraid.”

A group of about 50 Afghan women in the town of Herat held a protest earlier in September, demanding work and education opportunities for themselves and their daughters.

“We want to be part of the government – no government can be formed without women. We want the Taliban to consult with us,” said one of the protest organizers.

–Update at 9:01 am


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