Tammy Bruce: Surrender to the Taliban has consequences far beyond Afghanistan


Tammy Bruce criticized Biden for a “crisis of confidence” Wednesday on “Fox News Primetime”, saying his agenda was defined by “deadly incompetence.”

TAMMY BRUCE: Well, like a poorly written movie. Instead, there is now a crisis of confidence in American leadership at home and abroad because Biden’s agenda is now defined by deadly incompetence, delusional decision-making, and downright destructive dereliction. . As recently as today, Joe Biden met with the President of Ukraine, who The New York Times describes as “pissed off by the brutal and chaotic United States withdrawal from Afghanistan” and that he “should raise questions about US security commitments “. The official left-wing newspaper also claims “that it comes after an event that has caused many American allies to question the firmness of Washington’s support.” You could also tell they’re concerned about the firmness of Biden’s grip in general. More on that later. The message sent around the world after the reckless exit of the Afghan president is that terrorists are emboldened and America’s adversaries are under strain. For example, Biden yesterday had the audacity to claim that the Afghan strategy was an extraordinary success even as the American troops are dead, the Americans are still stranded and the Taliban are in control and ask yourself: if it was such a success. , so why is Biden at all contradicting himself and blaming everyone else? If everything went so well, then why would there be anyone to blame? Because, really, deep down, everyone knows, including the president’s fiercest defenders, that surrender to the Taliban has consequences far beyond Afghanistan. As a new article by The Economist notes, “Through will, patience, and cunning, a band of low-budget holy warriors defeated America and took over a medium-sized country.” To Muslims who aspire to expel infidels and overthrow secular states, this was proof that God approves. The ripple effects could be felt everywhere. “- and these ripple effects will be felt far beyond Afghanistan and far beyond the region itself.



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