Tarantula massive drags opossum on the forest floor


Warning: This video of a spider trying to pull a possum can annoy some viewers.

A plate-sized tarantula attacked and killed an opossum in a video captured by researchers that looks like a horror movie scene.

Researchers from the University of Michigan shared the video on Thursday with an article in "Amphibian & Reptile Conservation" describing this strange encounter.

In November 2016, the team "heard drafts in the litter" during a night survey in the Amazon rainforest, said Michael Grundler of the University of Michigan. He and his colleagues then watched a tarantula attack a mouse opossum, hitting it in its According to the report, a five-minute fight ensued, where the opossum, which was about the size of a softball, tries to get away from the eight-legged insect. The spider eventually wins. A video shows the spider then drives the opossum.

For more information on this story: https://bit.ly/2H4b0K0
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