Ted Cruz warns against the pirates of space, Space Force is the solution



Yes, Ron Perlman was in Ice Pirates.

Screenshot of Amanda Kooser / CNET video screen

I saw the science fiction movie Ice Pirates of 1984. I wonder if US Senator Ted Cruz also watched the movie. It was not a documentary.

Cruz, a Republican from Texas, alluded to space pirates by Tuesday pronouncing an audience on "The Emerging Space Environment: Operational, Technical, and Political Challenges" in front of the Senate Subcommittee on the ################################################## 39, aviation and space.

Cruz recalled that the ancient Greeks and the following nations called on naval forces to "protect the voyages and the nautical exchanges of the bad actors".

"The pirates threaten the open sea, and the same is possible in the space," said Cruz. "In the same way, I think we must also recognize the need for a space force to defend the nation and protect civil trade and space exploration."

The Trump administration has been working to make space force a reality like his own branch of the US armed forces despite a sarcastic reaction to the name from certain corners of the internet.

You can not refer to space pirates and expect you to stay under the radar. Speaking of pirates, Cruz actually talks about the potential of hostile forces to undermine US space resources, but it's hard not to imagine brave and angry looters spinning into orbit.

Elon Musk from SpaceX has read about a tweet from SpaceNews writer Jeff Foust and shared a pirate flag emoji on Twitter in response.

Kevin Gill, a software engineer from NASA and notable image processor in the space, was right on the ball with an image of a pirate ship sporting the SpaceX logo orbiting the Earth.

Hayes Brown, editor of BuzzFeed News, knows what we all think: "space pirates" look cool.

I vote to get eye patches, parrot robots and spaceships together so we can loot satellites and get on board the ISS. I know this is not what Cruz had in mind, but we will have a good time until the Space Force gets us.


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