One of the great lessons that many of us learn from a young age is how to keep a balanced diet. However, we now have another unexpected reason for doing so. CNN reported that a teenager's unhealthy diet, consisting only of Pringles, white bread, fries, processed ham and sausages, had finally rendered him blind.

The path to this discovery began when the teenager was 14 years old and visited a doctor suffering from fatigue. He showed no signs of malnutrition and all the doctors discovered a lack of vitamin B12 and a case of anemia. The young man was treated with injections, but his health continued to deteriorate.

At the age of 17, the teenager had become completely blind and also had a hearing loss. Scientists from the University of Bristol finally examined the history and condition of the patient and discovered that the teenager had suffered an optic neuropathy related to diet. This optic nerve dysfunction was linked to vitamin B12 deficiency in 17-year-olds, as well as many other problems.

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Usually, this condition is reversible if it is detected early, but in this case, the patient was too late. Even though it's still an extreme case, Denize Atan, of the Bristol School of Medicine, said he was bringing something to light. "This case highlights the impact of diet on physical and visual health and the fact that calorie intake and BMI are not reliable indicators of health." nutritional status, "said Atan.

Make sure you eat your vegetables, children because researchers say that this disease may become more common in the future.