Teens who abuse prescription opioids are at higher risk for suicide


The authors of the new study investigated whether the timing of prescription opioid abuse in adolescents – whether it was common (within 30 days of the survey), in the past, or never – affected their link to suicidality.

About 7.4% of students reported abusing prescription opioids at least once before, while 7.2% reported abuse once or more in the past month.

“There are a number of factors that put young people at risk for prescription opioid abuse,” said lead study author Natalie Wilkins, behavioral specialist in the Division of Adolescent Health and from CDC schools, by email. “Developmentally, adolescent brains have not yet fully matured, which makes them more likely to engage in risky and impulsive behaviors, such as substance use.

Researchers found that current prescription opioid abuse – compared to abuse in the past or never – was more significantly associated with the possibility of seriously considering suicide, making suicide plans, and committing suicide. feeling sad or hopeless over the past year. Almost 33% of students who reported ongoing prescription opioid abuse actually attempted suicide, compared to 19% of teens who reported abuse in the past and 6% of students who reported no ” have never abused an opioid prescription.

Why Students Turn to Opioids

The study looked at associations between prescription opioid abuse, suicidality, and symptoms of depression. It is not yet known whether the misuse of prescription opioids can lead to suicidality and depressive symptoms or vice versa. The authors also noted that one of the limitations of the study was that they did not know students’ levels of misuse, such as whether they had occasionally abused or had an opioid disorder.

Regardless, why teens start to abuse opioids is “a nuanced and layered thing,” said Dr. Lucien Gonzalez, chair of the American Substance Use and Prevention Committee. Academy of Pediatrics, which did not participate in the study.

Misuse could result in physical pain relief due to a medical procedure, curiosity, socialization or peer pressure, Gonzalez said. Some teens may abuse it to relieve tension, emotional pain, mental problems, or suicidal thoughts; or they may want to feel the euphoria that they have heard from others.

Some people don’t like how opioids make them feel after surgery. For others, the original intention might have been harmless, but addiction occurs when occasional use turns into opioids “because they feel really bad when they don’t,” said Amy Green, psychologist. clinician and vice president of research at The Trevor Project, a suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for LGBTQ youth. “It can also cause a lot of hardship and pain and feel trapped, that they are trapped between not using it and really struggling.”

As for the association with suicidality, substances such as opioids and alcohol can lower inhibitions, said Gonzalez, who is also an assistant professor in the department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the medical school of Medicine. the University of Minnesota. This can make some people less likely to prevent themselves from leading an ideation or suicide attempt.

Disparities between minorities

There were glaring disparities between the different students: more women; Black; Hispanic; and lesbian, gay, bisexual, or unsure teens currently misuse prescription opioids than male and white teens. Some minority groups also had higher rates of feeling suicide, sadness or hopelessness than the rates of young men and white youth. And the differences between heterosexual students and lesbian, gay, bisexual and uncertain teens were extreme – 23.9% of lesbian, gay or bisexual students and 14.5% of uncertain students attempted suicide, compared to 6.4. % of heterosexual adolescents. Twelve percent of lesbian, gay, or bisexual teens and 11.5% of unsure teens reported current prescription opioid abuse, compared to 6.4% of heterosexual college students.

The biggest risks lesbian, gay, bisexual and insecure teenage girls face are not directly caused by their sexuality, but by the way some people treat them because of it, Green said. “They are much more likely to experience discrimination, victimization (and) stigma because of their identity,” said Green, who is also an assistant assistant professor at the University of California at San Diego. Green did not participate in the study.

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“These experiences lead to those feelings of internalized shame, stigma, depression, which tend to lead to suicidal thoughts, misuse of prescription drugs – including opioids – to try and cope with pain and suffering. pain they feel, ”Green mentioned.

“When LGBTQ youth are supported and assertive in their identity, when they have schools that affirm LGBTQ and have parents who accept them, they are at significantly lower risk of considering and attempting to commit suicide. She added.

White college students more often reported abuse of prescription opioids, seriously considering suicide, and making a suicide plan than college students of other races or ethnicities. But fewer white college students have reported suicide attempts.

The higher prevalence of suicide attempts among black and Hispanic college students may be due in part to insufficient access to general mental health care and care culturally appropriate to their identity and needs, Green said.

Safety and Cure for Prescription Opioid Abuse

“Because kids can go from ideation to acting very quickly,” parents should create a safe environment around children and teens who may be having thoughts of suicide, Gonzalez said.

Safely protect items that could be fatal, such as guns and pain or psychiatric medications. According to a 2018 study, teens are more likely to get prescription pain relievers first from family members, rather than from dealers or online sources. Since teens can abuse their own prescriptions as well, Gonzalez recommended that parents administer the drugs, supervise access, and dispose of leftovers.

According to Gonzalez, the signs that could indicate substance abuse or another problem are as follows:

  • Restricted students
  • Confusion
  • Speech disorders
  • Shallow and short breathing
  • Unusual mood or mood swings (fatigue, unusual calm, increasing or decreasing depression or anxiety)
  • Track marks on skin or fresh puncture wounds
  • Weight changes (often loss)
  • Changes in groups of friends
  • Isolation
  • Difficulty communicating
  • Lack of motivation
  • Changes in school attendance and / or performance
  • Aggressive behaviour
  • Unusual disobedience
  • Appearance changes
  • Lower (or perhaps abnormally higher) energy levels
  • Evidence of drug paraphernalia

Given the common reasons for opioid abuse, how we prevent students “from having this pain” is critical, Green said.

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“Addiction and mental health services in this country are not where they should be,” Green said, but there is some support available regardless of the ability to pay. Parents and teens in the United States can call 211 to learn more about local resources. Some schools have health centers that provide addiction or addiction support services.

Parents should raise concerns with their child’s pediatrician or take their child to a behavioral health clinician if the child wishes, Gonzalez said.

“It starts with talking to their child, and you don’t even have to start with ‘I’m worried about drugs’. It’s “I’m worried about you. Are you okay?” “, He added.

Teens who feel connected to their family and school are at lower risk for substance use and suicide, Wilkins said. Parents can facilitate connection by communicating honestly and openly about sensitive topics and by respecting and considering the opinions, thoughts and feelings of adolescents. “If there is a conflict, be clear about goals and expectations,” Wilkins added. “But allow your (teenager) how to achieve these goals.”
Parents should facilitate healthy decision-making while encouraging their children to make their own decisions, Wilkins said. Getting to know your teen’s friends, enjoying shared activities, and engaging with the teen’s school can also help.

If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts or mental health issues, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 to contact a qualified counselor or visit the NSPL site.


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