Telecommuting Can Help Us Beat COVID-19, CDC Says


Looking to get back to the office soon? Evidence is starting to mount against it, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Data released Friday revealed that in July, out of 248 people, those who worked from home for two weeks before developing symptoms of any kind were less likely to be infected with the coronavirus.

In other words, people infected with the coronavirus were more likely to report going to school or office in the two weeks before the illness.

This conclusion was confirmed even after taking into account those who work in critical industries, such as healthcare and education, for example.

“Businesses and employers should promote alternative work options, such as telecommuting, where possible, in order to reduce exposures to SARS-CoV-2,” the CDC report read. “When telecommuting options are not feasible, worker safety measures should continue to be strengthened to reduce possible exposures on the job site.”

The report is based on a multi-state case study of a total of 314 symptomatic adults; 153 tested positive for the virus while 161 tested negative. Participants answered questions about employment status, telecommuting status, and community exhibitions, among other questions.

(Not all participants answered the telework status question, which explains the discrepancy in the totals.)

Additionally, among participants infected with coronavirus, only 35% reported being able to telecommute full or part time, while 53% of people who tested negative reported telecommuting. During that time, 65% of those infected with the coronavirus regularly went to work or school.

“This investigation provides evidence of the potential health benefits of telecommuting associated with the COVID-19 pandemic,” the authors added.

However, the study also confirmed the socio-economic disadvantages associated with the virus. Teleworkers were more likely to be white, have a college degree, earn over $ 75,000 and have health insurance, the agency wrote.

Finally, the percentage of people who said they teleworked in the study is higher than the national estimate, which was 26% in July, according to the agency. The authors also noted several limitations, including the fact that the results “may not be representative of the American population,” due to who declined to participate.


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