Temple University offers MMR vaccine recalls in walk-in immunization clinics, among the first 100 mumps cases


PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) – The University of the Temple will hold the first of its two planned vaccination clinics on Wednesday, while the number of mumps cases affecting the university community continues to increase.

There are now 105 cases, 18 confirmed and the others are probable.

These new numbers reflect how fast this epidemic is spreading.

Officials say they receive five more reports a day.

And that's why they're encouraging students, staff, and professors to buy these boosters on Wednesday at Mitten Hall of Temple University.

They are ready to distribute 1800 doses Wednesday.

The university thinks it has identified the patient zero but would not go into details about his identity.

Again, this is a virus that spreads through close contacts, like kisses and sharing utensils.

It is also important to note that most of those who have had mumps have been vaccinated.

Doctors say the MMR vaccine often weakens when people reach their teens or early twenties, but the best defense against spread is the vaccine.

And that's why the university and the health department hope that another dose will help reduce this growing number.

Mark Denys, director of student health at Temple, said, "We are really trying to encourage people to come in. It's the best way to protect yourself, even if they do not want to." have not been exposed or if they have been, it is the best way to protect yourself.protect yourself even if they have a new case of mumps after a It is likely that the case will be less serious and that the risk of complications will be reduced … "

Students and teachers are asked to show their Owl card for vaccination.

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