Ten healthy food solutions that take five minutes but have huge health benefits


Do you think that the only way to stay healthy is to have a complete overhaul of your diet? Think you! Dietitian Juliette Kellow has quick fixes that take no more than five minutes – but have the potential to reap tremendous health benefits

Use your mixer

Making foods "bigger" simply by adding air can make us think we have eaten more – so we eat less at our next meal.

An easy way to incorporate air is to mix or whip foods such as smoothies, shakes, yogurts or eggs for an omelette longer.

In a small study, men drank a 300 ml, 450 ml or 600 ml milkshake before lunch.

The ingredients were identical for everyone – the difference in amount was solely due to the fact that the shakes had been mixed longer, so that they contained more air.

Compared to the 300 ml shake, when men consumed the 450 ml shake, they consumed an average of 53 fewer calories at lunch. The 600 ml shake resulted in 96 fewer calories at lunch.

Rematch your kitchen

Studies confirm that we are more likely to eat food when we can see it. So put less healthful foods – such as cookies in a tin can and chips – in a carrying bag on the top shelf of a cabinet.

At the same time, place the fruit bowl in a prominent place and move the carrots, peppers and cucumbers from the refrigerator salad drawers to a shelf at eye level.

Eggs keep us satiated longer

The proof: in one study, office workers ate an average of three sweets in a covered container two meters from their desk.

When they were in a transparent container on their desk, they ate about eight candies each.

Chew well

If we do not chew properly and drink no food, our digestive system must work harder to digest them, which can cause gas and bloating. Extra chewing also helps us eat more slowly, which is important for staying thin.

No matter how much we eat, it takes 15 to 20 minutes for our brain to get the signals it needs to record that our stomach is full, so we stop eating. The faster we eat, the more calories we consume before we receive this "satiety" message.

For example, in one study, adults who chewed each bite 15 times consumed 12% more calories than when chewing each bite 40 times.

Go to work on an egg

Poached, scrambled, boiled or omelette – eating a single egg will bring you a good dose of nutrients, including phosphorus, selenium, iodine, vitamins A and D, as well as B vitamins.

The eggs also provide choline, which is used to make the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which plays a role in the functioning of the nerves and brain and in the memory.

Studies have also shown that eggs filled us longer, probably because they were high in protein, which could help us eat less. For example, in a small study, in front of a buffet for lunch and dinner, men who ate two poached eggs on a toast consumed 123 fewer calories at lunch and 315 fewer calories at dinner than those who had cornflakes and toast at breakfast. .

Make an infusion

In addition to contributing to our daily fluid needs, tea is packed with antioxidants, especially flavonoids, which are associated with better heart health and can also protect against strokes.

Other studies show that drinking tea – even just one or two cups a day – can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Tea is also rich in fluoride, which protects against tooth decay and keeps bones strong.

Nuts to nibble

Many people avoid them because of their high caloric content, but studies have shown that nut eaters have more control over their weight, probably because nuts contain a satisfying combination of protein and fiber.

Putting snacks in a bowl makes you more aware of what you are eating

They are also fantastic protectors of health.

In a review of 20 studies, the daily consumption of 28 g of nuts – about a handful – has reduced the risk of stroke by 7%, cancer and cancer by 15%. coronary disease.

The risk of death has also been reduced by 35% for conditions such as Alzheimer's disease, 39% for diabetes, 52% for respiratory diseases and 73% for kidney diseases.

Use a bowl

Have you ever found yourself at the end of a pack of family size chips and you can not believe you've eaten them all? Eating food in containers, packages or pots means you can not see how much you eat and there is no visual warning to stop.

If you put crisps, cookies, sweets, chocolate and ice cream in a bowl, you will be aware of the amount you consume.

Make the flounder

If the food looks oily or greasy, dab it with a towel to mop up excess oil.

Try it on anything that contains processed cheese – like cheese on toast, pizza and lasagna – as well as kebabs, burgers, bacon and fries. You will save 30 calories for each teaspoon of buffered oil.

Snack on lean yogurt

Yogurt is rich in calcium and important for healthy bones and teeth.

One in 10 adults and 16% of adolescents have an exceptionally low calcium intake, so they may suffer from a deficiency leading to osteoporosis later in life.

Studies have also shown that good yoghurt helps to control blood pressure, protect against type 2 diabetes, and keep us slim.

The choice of live yogurts, organic or probiotics also boosts the good bacteria in our digestive system, which boosts immunity and can improve conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome and diarrhea.

Choose natural sugar-free yogurts to keep the sugar and add fruit to sweeten it.

Eat an extra serving of fish a week

On average, most of us only eat one serving of fish a week. Yet, health experts advise us to eat two, including a fat one, such as mackerel, sardines, salmon, herring, pilchards or trout.

All fish are high in protein and provide many nutrients, including phosphorus, selenium, iodine and B vitamins.

Fatty fish – those who are the most deficient in our diet – are also one of the few sources of food naturally rich in bone-friendly vitamin D and long-chain omega-3 fatty acids that help keep our heart healthy and healthy. to maintain normal blood pressure.

An omega-3 fatty acid in fish (DHA) is also important for the health of the brain and eyes.

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