"Terrifying" Ebola outbreak is now "out of control"


The Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo is uncontrollable, according to terrified experts, claiming that it could become as serious as an epidemic that devastated Africa's climate. 39 West between 2013 and 2016. "I am very concerned – as worried as possible. Said Jeremy Farrar, head of the Wellcome Trust. "Whether or not it reaches the absolute magnitude of West Africa, none of us knows it, but that figure is huge in comparison to any one. another epidemic in the history of Ebola and it continues to develop. " More than 1600 people have been infected in the country. DRC and more than 1,000 people have died to date from haemorrhagic fever. The Guardian reports that the mortality rate is higher than in previous epidemics, at around 67%. David Miliband, chairman of the International Rescue Committee, called for a "reset" in the response, saying: "The situation is far more dangerous than the statistics of the 1,000 dead, itself the second largest of the population. The danger is that the number of cases is out of control, despite a proven vaccine and treatment. "


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