Terry McAuliffe withdraws from the fight for 2020


Former Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe will not challenge the White House in 2020.

This is a change of pace after a wave of Democratic hopefuls who have announced their candidacy for nomination to the presidency of their party.

"We have problems in Virginia, and I'm worried about Virginia," McAuliffe told CNN on Wednesday. "Starting tomorrow, my goal will be to win the House and Senate in Virginia … I will coordinate these campaigns in the House and Senate."

McAuliffe, who announced that he would make a decision about the race before March 31, went to the state of South Carolina to vote early last month. On Wednesday, he did not directly answer the question of whether his goal was to attend the Virginia governor election in 2021 after the 2019 Commonwealth cycle.

"It's about helping people," he said. "I would have loved to have done it as president.I am still a young man.You will see what is happening.This is a real opportunity.I launched it.I'm have to finish it. "

At 62, he is a pillar of democratic politics. Governor of Virginia from 2014 to 2018, he was a member of the National Governors Association from 2016 to 2017 and led the National Democratic Committee from 2001 to 2005. He also co-directed the re-election campaign of the former president. Bill Clinton in 1996, in addition to leading the 2008 campaign of Hillary Clinton. Offer from the White House.

The release of McAuliffe erases the moderate path of former vice president Joe Biden, a potential candidate, in a cluttered primary field that is dropping to the far left of the political spectrum. The McAuliffe announcement closely follows lesser-known candidates, such as California representatives Eric Swalwell and Tim Ryan of Ohio, launching long-term efforts for the presidency.

Democratic Governor Ralph Northam and Attorney General Mark Herring, also a Democrat, were trapped in February when blackface photos appeared in the yearbooks of their formative years.

Democratic governor Justin Fairfax, at the same time, was accused of sexual assault by two different women. Fairfax denied the allegations.


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