Tesla Model 3 and Y will be able to charge everywhere with this adapter: report


Image of article titled Tesla Model 3 and Y will be able to charge everywhere with this adapter: report

Picture: Tesla Korea

Tesla’s biggest advantage has been said to be among its biggest drawbacks as well. The Tesla Charging Network has always been Tesla’s only way, ensuring that you don’t show up to charge and a humble Chevy Bolt will block your spot after you send Daddy Elon a fifty thousand check. Unfortunately for the Tesla owner, we live in a world where electric vehicles are not just Tesla anymore, and the CCS Combo outlet has become increasingly popular across the country.

Where Tesla only has 1,266 charging ports in the US, but there are 4,713 CCS chargers and that number is growing every day. Even today, most of these chargers were prohibited for Tesla drivers. Trace Level 2 charging has always been possible with an adapter, and CHAdeMO could also be suitable, but CCS never. Those high-speed Electrify America chargers touted by Porsche, Ford, Volkswagen and others were just out of reach for the Teslarati, and as more and more of them flood America’s freeways and roads, they offer a compelling reason to get out of a T and into something like a Ford Mach-E

From an article on Reddit, provide email to Korean Tesla customers, CCS adapter is coming soon. The email, roughly translated via the Google machine, reads as follows:

CCS Combo 1 Adapter Release Announcement

It is now more convenient to charge your Tesla. With the new CCCS Combo 1 adapter, you can quickly and safely charge your vehicle even on public fast-charging networks.

[Release Schedule]

19/10 (Tuesday): Sale to owners with preferential purchase of tickets (to be announced separately)

10/26 (Tuesday): start of official sales at the Tesla store * Release schedule may change depending on product clearance.

The CCS Combo 1 adapter can only be used with models 3 and Y. It cannot be used in S and X models, and when the compatibility analysis with the national charging infrastructure is completed, version information will be provided at a later date.

Selling price: 299,200 (taxes included)

That price is around $ 250 here in the US at current exchange rates, which is sort of verified.

Until recently, Tesla offered a CHAdeMO plug adapter, but these plugs do not allow the same DC Fast speeds as the CCS combo plug, and this charging standard is largely phased out.

As of yet, it’s unclear when this adapter will be available in the US, and because Tesla doesn’t have a PR department, there’s no one to ask, so we’ll have to assume. If official sales start in Korea at the end of the month, we could see this adapter rolled out in North America at the same time or soon after. It would certainly put Tesla back in a dominant position by allowing its customers to charge literally anywhere.

That is, until Tesla opens its charging network to other car manufacturers.


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