Texas, 4, dies of COVID-19 hours after first symptoms :: WRAL.com


– Local media are reporting that a 4-year-old Texas girl died of COVID-19 while sleeping after having a fever at night.

Kali Cook, a preschooler from Galveston, was the first child to die from COVID-19 who is under 10 in the county, Galveston County health officials said in a statement.

“We’re all so broken and lost and just trying to figure out how we’re going to get through this life without her light,” daughter mother Karra Harwood wrote on a GoFundMe.

Thousands of children are hospitalized across the country with COVID-19, but Kali Cook never made it.

Her mother tested positive for the virus the day Kali Cook died, local media reported.

“Our family has COVID and is out of work because of it, so we are too stressed and injured,” she wrote on a GoFundMe article.

Harwood told the Galeveston County Daily News that her daughter had no underlying health issues.

“I was one of the people who was anti, I was against,” she told the Galveston County Daily News. “Now, I wish I never was.”

Kali Cook’s 5-month-old brother was hospitalized after his death, KPRC News reported.

Health officials said in a statement that the girl was unlikely to have contracted the virus from her preschool.

Children represent more than 15% of all coronavirus cases reported in the United States since the start of the pandemic, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.

A day after confirming to local media that Kali Cook’s death was linked to the coronavirus, local health officials backed down and told KPRC News they “would not consider Kali’s death a COVID death -19 until the autopsy is completed “. However, she tested positive for the virus.

Read more about this story in the Houston Chronicle, Galveston County Daily News, and KPRC News.


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