Texas resident hospitalized with rare diagnosis of monkey pox 18 years after outbreak in United States


Texas resident who recently traveled from Africa was hospitalized after contracting what the Texas State Department considers the first case of monkey pox in the state, a diagnosis that comes 18 years after the last outbreak of the rare disease in the country.

The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other health officials are working to trace the person’s contacts to help prevent another outbreak of the disease. But health officials say the risk to the public is low, especially because COVID-19 precautions on the person’s flights have likely kept the virus from spreading.

Monkeypox, which comes from the same family of viruses as smallpox, causes flu-like illness and swelling of the lymph nodes, progressing to a widespread rash on the face and body, according to the CDC. Most infections last two to four weeks. Although it is known to cause a mild infection, it can develop into a serious viral illness.

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People can get monkey pox from coming into contact with infected animals or animal products, including preparing wild game or being bitten or scratched by an animal, according to the CDC. Experts believe that human-to-human transmission of monkey pox occurs primarily through large respiratory droplets.

Most monkey pox epidemics have occurred in Africa; the first human case was recorded in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. An outbreak of monkey pox occurred in the United States in 2003 after the virus spread from imported African rodents to companion prairie dogs, resulting in 47 reported cases.

The Texas resident, whose identity will remain anonymous to protect the patient’s privacy, took two flights upon his return from Africa to the United States in early July, according to a CDC press release: One from Lagos, in Nigeria, Atlanta and one from Atlanta to Dallas.

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Asymptomatic people cannot pass the virus on to others, according to Dallas County Health and Human Services. Passengers on flights wore face masks on board, as well as at the airport, due to COVID-19 protocols, decreasing the overall likelihood of spread, the statement said.

“Although rare, this case is not a cause for alarm and we do not expect any threat to the general public,” Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins said in a statement. “Dallas County Health and Human Services works closely with local providers, as well as with our state and federal partners. “

The Texas resident is hospitalized in isolation in Dallas and is in stable condition.

“We worked closely with the CDC and DSHS and conducted interviews with the patient and close contacts who were exposed,” said Dr. Philip Huang, director of Dallas County health and social services. “We have determined that there is very little risk to the general public. This is yet another demonstration of the importance of maintaining a strong public health infrastructure, as we are only one flight away from any global infectious disease. “

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Monkeypox in the US: Hospitalized Texas Resident; low risk of epidemic


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