& # 39; Big Wah & # 39; orders 113 foreign labor inspectors arrested more than 1,000


On July 31, Major-General Adul Sangsaengklae, Minister of Labor, announced that he had ordered 113 operations, including police and security forces in the area, to investigate, repress, arrest and Prosecute the employer / establishment Smugglers and illegal migrant workers during Phase 2 between August 1 and August 15, 2000. In the past, 2,140 employers and 43,201 migrant workers were arrested. Worked without a work permit of 138 per person under the Royal Decree. (Management) Alien Work Management, 2560 and modified. And prosecuted in the offense under the Act (Immigration Act), 1979, 7 / The offense under the Administrative Court and the Immigration Act. Of 1007 migrant workers arrested, 35 out of 1007 were Burmese, 558 Cambodian, 274 Cambodian, 95 Cambodian, 54 Vietnamese and 26 others, 566 cases of work without a work permit. A. And prosecution 184 people were arrested.

"We urge employers to send foreign workers Without a work permit, go home quickly because there are legal infractions.If you want to hire 3 nationals, then ask to be brought to work under the protocol agreement system. "General Admiral.

Previous post & # 39; Krung Thai & # 39; was hacked just for credit information.
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