& # 39; Severn & # 39; laments about "Eli Musk" makes a royal croassing mission.


Werns English Abercorn Diver Recognizing that he had an affair with the American billionaire Musk, The success of the rescue mission at the Royal Caves …

The international news agency reported that Severn or Vernon Aversworth, diver in the British cave. Who is the key to saving lives for members of the football team? 13 wild boars leave the Luang Khun Nam Nang cave in Chiang Rai in northern Thailand. Succeeding after being stuck in the cave for more than 17 days, is considering litigation, "said Eli Wetzel, a billionaire MySpace CEO who insulted him via Twitter

. Contacting British and American lawyers I have not decided what to do next, "he told Reuters in Maesai, but on Tuesday, July 17, he is likely to sue Mr. Musk. not pass. That's too much. "And when asked what law firm he was looking at, he replied," I do not know, I have to consult. "

The problem between Mr. Ansens and Mr. Musk began last week, after the rescue team in Thailand rejected Mr. Musk's offer to use a miniature boat. created at SpaceX to bring young footballers and coaches out of the cave.At the moment, according to a CNN report.Mr Anderson said, "There is no chance that this submarine will be effective." [19659002] Mask replied to Twitter Sunday (July 15) that "We will shoot videos showing this. The submarine / submarine goes to Hall 5 without any problem. I'm sorry, but this post has been removed from Twitter.

M. Andersson The first alien to participate in the Royal Rescue Cave said that he did not deny Mr Musk's accusations. Because he's waiting for legal advice. And when asked why Musk made such comments. Mr. Ansell replied, "I do not know."

million. Ansell told Reuters. He never met Mask's face when Musk visited the cave during the rescue. This British diver said. He felt sorry for the problem between him and Mr. Musk, making the atmosphere of the rescue of the Royal Rescue Cave a scam.

"For me, he diverted the joy of the incident from what we accomplished a little bit," said Ansesworth. And adding that his ex-wife and daughter in England were equally uncomfortable.

Incidentally Tesla's share in major electric vehicle manufacturers dropped 3.5% on Monday and the company lost nearly $ 2 billion in trading volume. Many analysts and investors told Reuters. Mr. Mook's comments They feared that Mr. Musk's public statement would distract him from Tesla's main business.

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