Elon Musk at the cave. Delivered a life capsule.


Elon Musk reveals the image inside Luang's caves via his Twitter after traveling in a quiet place with the delivery of a life capsule (Musk calls "Mini-sous" in place). Elon Musk The famous CEO of Tesla and Spece X. Arrive at Luang Khun Nam Nang Cave, Chiang Rai. And video footage in the cave of Hall 3 via their own Twitter

on this trip. To deliver the rescue capsule Escape Pod created from a piece of rocket (Falcon) as previously announced (but not that, I will travel myself.) Also named capsule to save the life. I have just returned from Cave 3. Mini-Sub is the name of the children's football team. ready if necessary.It is made of rocket parts and named wild boar after the children's football team. – Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 9, 2018

However Although the device will not be used in Thailand, but Elon Musk said that it will be left in Thailand for free, I will have the opportunity to use it or study it in the future. "Thailand is very beautiful .."

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