TrueMove Hacks Fake cards, Big T-shirts, open SIM cards, connect


TrueMove H confirms the registration of the SIM card with a strictly on-demand version On July 13, 2061, the case of a counterfeit Prime Minister's identity card. The company would like to clarify that as soon as the company has detected anomalies in the registration of the prepaid SIM card. Through the application 2, the business is not calm. Accelerated investigation. Gather evidence And inform the Division for the suppression of the crime of technological crime (Por Por), and coordinate cooperation to investigate and eventually lead to the arrest of the offender only news. [19659003] For such cases. This is because the company. Internal systems are regularly monitored. And found a fake photo ID card. And fake photos to use in face recognition at dealerships. With the identity registration system with 2 identity that the NBTC requires all operators use to register a SIM card to open a new number. In this case, when the recording system. Go check the photos of the photo ID and identity card in the show identity. And the identification number. The offender forged. Completely It has been approved to open the SIM

however. From this incident, the Company Not Calm I have a question for the NBTC to verify the urgent identity of the operating system 2. And ready to provide information to resolve the existing gap. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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