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Judge exceptional book

Saturday, July 21, 2561, 18:14

Judge the book is exceptional. Seven Book Award 1565

CP ALL Public Company Limited, the seventh director, has launched the "Seven Book" Award "National Award of Honor.To honor the writers and literary circles of Thailand.The winner will receive the plaque of HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Siam Commercial Bank PCL will hold a press conference announcing the results of the 7th Book Award On the 15th, with Mr. Suwit Kingkaew, Senior Executive Vice President, CP ALL Public Company , Mr. Nawarat Pongpaiboon (National Artist), Chair of the Poetry and Young Writers Judges Committee, "Poetry", Prof. Dr. Ruurrutai Chair of the Fiction Judges Committee, Mr. Niwat Tharapana, Chair of the Fiction and Fantasy Jury (Young Comic Strip Writers), "Nirvana" Boon Chan, Chair of the New History Judges Committee, Assoc. Warrat Chair of the Judging Committee "Short Fiction" and "Short Story" and Prof. Kirati Boon Jue, Presiding Judge documen at the press conference on Monday, July 23, 2018, from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm, at Surasak Room 3, 11th floor, Eastin Grand Sathorn Hotel Bangkok (BTS Skytrain Surasak)

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