3 years


The campaign "Reduce the consumption of alcohol add happiness 4, 1 development, bring the community to reduce alcohol." Accident Reduction "campaign to reduce alcohol consumption throughout the year 3 dark festival "New Year – Songkran – Lent" aimed at increasing the withdrawal of alcohol. Innovative help that people want to stop. The village of 576 villages across the country.

On July 22, 61 journalists reported this on July 20. Have a workshop to design a campaign and conduct activities "Reduce the feeling of drunkenness add happiness: 4 Build 1 Development Community to Reduce Alcohol Accident Reduction" at the Exhibition Center and IMPACT convention, Muang Thong Thani, organized by the Thai Foundation for Health Promotion (NESDB) by the Office of Community Health Promotion (Office 3) Alcoholic Beverage (AL Alcohol) with the local government organization in the network to create a good local community Driven by measures to control the consumption of alcohol by the community, Somporn has used Bang Yang to create a local community network and is leading all local government organizations. The aim of the campaign is to reduce the number of alcohol addicts in 2018 and to issue a rescue certificate to 97 addicts.

Ms. Duangporn Heng Boonyaphan, Director Office of Community Health Support Bureau 3) said that the situation of alcohol consumption network to create a local community to live. The Local Community Network Assessment Program (TCNAP) of July 17, 2018 had 2,094 members of the local community. There were 8,784,563 people with alcohol habits, 662,598 people or 7.54%, 544,407 men or 82.26%, 118,191 women or 17.84%. Of these, 237,013 had the highest drinking habits, 35.77% were from the North, 233,899 from the North, 33.79% from the Center and the third from the Central Region, 115 309 people, or 17.40%. The most common drinking behavior was Chiang Rai, 46,317 people, or 6.99%, followed by Chiang Mai with 42,407 or 6.40% and Lampang with 28,989, or 4.38%. 522,119 (78.80%) were in the 25-59 age group, followed by 121,188 (18.29%) and the lowest age group (5-14 years) . 7,369 persons (1.11%)

. The health problems related to chronic diseases among the top five drinkers were hypertension, arthritis, diabetes, allergies and gout. There were 279,538 (3.18%) drinkers who drank alcohol and smoked cigarettes daily. Of the 144,017 respondents (1.63%), there were 3 at-risk behaviors of 60,162 (0.68%) non-health screening or health screenings. The traffic accident was found in the 25 to 59 age group, the first being that of the motorcycle without a helmet, the second of the fast and careless driving and the third of the driving without seatbelt. This Knowledge Management workshop, control of alcohol consumption and accident reduction using space. Develop a campaign and leadership mechanism to "reduce drunkenness to happiness in 2018" and review capital and design and "reduce drunkenness" activities in the region [19659004]. Ms. Duangporn said. The design of campaign activities as part of the "Reduce Happiness Drunk Up" campaign includes 4 activities: 1) Develop 1) Create 3 prototype models, community leaders, youth and families 2) Create safe routes. 4) Social measures and law enforcement and 5) Collaborative development. Improve the happiness of the management mechanism in the region to control the consumption of alcohol and accidents caused by the consumption of alcohol in the area responsible. The campaign is divided into two phases: (1) normal operation. With activities to reduce the weaning of alcohol. (2) Opportunities for major festivals such as Songkran Festival and Lent

M. Sompor added that the goal of reducing the happiness in the 2018 network year to create local communities is to reduce the occurrence. Traffic accidents due to consumption By the local community The festival will be held on July 28, 2018 during the New Year (December 28, 2018). January 2, 2562) and the Songkran Festival (April 12-16, 2062), during the normal period between June 28, 2018 and April 20, 2019 (10 months). The increase of 3,409 alcohol consumers in the community has helped reduce accidents on the roads of local communities. The local community has innovative ways to help people who want to stop drinking at least one place / village and to have a model village with at least 576 social measures (f, b, e, v, n , t, s)
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