"Rejected" lawsuit to reduce power plant license The new power structure announced.


Preparation for the Thai energy reform Reduce the license to operate a single power plant. The new electricity rate structure is to be announced by 2018.

M. Pornthep Thanyapongchai, chairman of the Energy Regulatory Commission, said the Cabinet was in the process of amending the relevant laws. To cancel the system and rules Allow the establishment of the original operator's power plants must apply to the Department of Industrial Work. Ministry of Industry And the Bureau of the Energy Regulatory Commission Apply only to apply to the Office of the same name and reduce the number of licenses to a single category should enter into force in a year. 2563

including The new tariff structure for 2018-2020 is expected to be implemented this year. Special Rates It should be announced early 2019, which will cover interconnection rates. Electricity charge And the rates for electric vehicles

for the development of the role of the NPS monitoring role to support the innovation of electricity. The information center for energy regulatory affairs will be set up and "Big Data" will be introduced in the energy sector. Consisting of Power Plant Data, Energy Sector Data, Geospatial Data It is possible to exchange electricity through the "Block Chain"

M system. Veerapol Jirapraditkul A spokesman for the Energy Regulatory Commission said that the policy on the purchase of renewable energy as part of the Alternative and Alternative Energy Development Plan for 2015-2019, according to May 2018 data. It has more than 9,935 megawatts of renewable energy, accounting for 60% of its 16,778 megawatts by the year 2579, while its capacity total energy is 57 644 megawatts. , b, e, v, n, t, s)
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