GC and Mahidol Launch ThinkCycle Bank to Create Waste Management Network – The Bangkok Insight


PTT GLOBAL CHEMICAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED or GC with Mahidol University A Pilot School at Rayong Project Launch ThinkCycle Bank or Disposable Bank – Cycle to turn waste into economic value. With an online recycling bank system to solve the problem of waste from the source. Build a household level waste management network at the provincial level.

million. Ongart Nantakij, from Rayong Province, said Rayong is a big province. It is distinguished by tourism, agriculture and industry. The population is about 700,000 people, including the labor force. And the tourists to visit a lot. Because Rayong has beautiful marine attractions. There are many orchards. Increasing population Increase in consumption Increase the amount of waste and tend to increase continuously.

ThinkCycle Bank is a collaborative effort of the public, private and civil society sectors. Focus on the transformation of waste into economic value. Provide youth and schools with a systematic waste management network. From the household level to the provincial level, solve the problem

Ms Warawan Tippawanich Executive Vice President Corporate Corporate PTT Global Public Chemical Company Limited or GC stated that GC as a leader in chemical innovations To create a good quality of life . Commitment to the company. Sustainable Approach He applied the principles of the economy in circulation (circular economy) to focus on resource efficiency.

Upcycling the Oceans, Thailand and Upcycling Plastic Waste are committed to recycling plastic and marine waste into innovative products. With added value Make money with the community. Promoting the Renewable Economy And Can Help Solve The Waste Problem In Thailand

Latest Company With Mahidol University Realize Project "ThinkCycle Bank" or Bank Disposable – The Cycle This is a project that is developing on the axis of waste management. Is there a household and a school? From a pilot school in Rayong province, 12 schools sensitized young people to the problem of garbage in the community and to understanding the waste management process . Storage

Waste Separation And recycling waste to maximize utilization. Opportunities for youth to participate in waste management in their communities and revenues from recycling waste collected at the waste bank as a by-product.

Assoc. Vice President Environment and Sustainable Development The problem of waste management in the community. This is an important environmental problem for all sectors. Cooperate to push for clearer practices.

The University teamed with GC to implement the project. "ThinkCycle Bank" to promote the establishment of an online recycling bank in schools of Rayong Province It will support the establishment of a waste bank. Provide knowledge on how the software works to store and create a systematic amount of waste. Develop and develop the Recycle Bank online service as a pilot program for other schools

. There is also research in the area of ​​waste management in the community. It is expected that the success of this project will lead to further developments in other educational institutions, communities, government organizations and private sectors, as well as in the implementation of the management of waste in the country.


M. Pusit Praksaprakarn, director of the Wat Mahabud School, said: "We are delighted that the Wat Mahabulud School is one of the pilot schools " ThinkCycle Bank " This will be a model for other schools, in Rayong and in other regions.The focus is on building knowledge in the waste management process for young people Teachers and community Encourage children to know how to correctly sort waste and pick up recyclable household waste, such as plastic bottles, cans, metal drums, newspapers, etc., for sale at the waste bank.

And can to withdraw, make sure that children learn to save money from children.

For pilot schools participating in the project, "ThinkCycle Bank" consists of schools , glass, baroque Municipality School 1 Municipality School 2 Municipal Development Center, Ban Phe, Child Development Center Wat Khao Samphanthong School School Wat Mahabud Ban Nong Flub School Wat Phra Kaew, Wat Phra Kaew, School Wat Yai Yai Insight

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