Accelerated generation of farmers Get paid to support the community three hundred thousand.


Department of Agriculture Accelerate to make money to farmers. After training, skills development is targeted. And open the community forum. […]

Somchai Charnnarongkul, director general of the department of agricultural promotion, said the project is underway to accelerate the implementation of income-generating projects. To farmers He is currently setting up a community forum and accepting applications. Each group of farmers urgently reviewed and proposed the project as well as the plan for the community committee to resolve urgently. According to the schedule, the community committee will have to submit the project to the district and provincial committees for approval by August 3, 2018. Then, the provincial agricultural extension office will start signing the contract. And transfer in August 16, 2018

and stressed that the budget should be taken to buy equipment in the project only. I do not want to pay for that. It also requires people at all levels to focus on implementing each step of the process with transparency. If problems arise, mobilize support staff as a matter of urgency. And give advice to farmers in a timely manner. To succeed this project.

For this project, the government supported the budget. 5,278,394,100 baht operated 2 activities: 1. Training course on agricultural development Improve the professional skills of the group and the small agricultural enterprise. Farmers are grouped together in community projects. 9,101 communities across the country

Since March, up to now, the first activity has been the formation of agricultural development courses to reach the goals of 9,101 communities. Is already And is entering the process of activities in the second activity is the development of groups of farmers. The community is organized around the country. To explain the presentation of the project. And open the project. And the community development committee. Selected by the community forum, each area is considered. Before proposing district and provincial committees to approve the budget

. Must be a group of farmers with no less than 25 members and trained in agricultural development courses Activity 1: At least 10 members. It must be a project to implement immediately. Useful for the community. Make income for small farmers. Increased yields, increased yields and improved product standards under the 8 business groups include crop production, production of organic fertilizers and the production of organic products. soil improvement, pest control, community farms, Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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