Bad news before the long holidays! BOT: QUOTATION OF THE BOND MARKET BOND Bank of Thailand BOT: Interbank Offered Rate in Bangkok (BIBOR) * Bank of Thailand PTT and Bangchak Petroleum Plc. The retail price of gasoline is 50 satang / liter, except for the E85, which is 30 satang / liter, as of 05:00 on July 27, 2006 [19659002] The new price is the following: benzene 95 is 37.16 baht per liter, Gasohol 91 is 29.78 baht per liter, E20 is 27.14 baht per liter, E85 is 21.34 baht per liter, diesel is 29.49 baht per liter, the premium diesel is 32.49 baht / liter (the above prices are excluded from the excise tax.) Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s )
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