Bank of Thailand – The Bangkok Insight


The meeting of the Energy Policy Committee (EGM) of 18 July 2018 decided to fix the liquidation limit of LPG in the amount of 3,000 million baht. LPG Price The size of the tank is 15 kilograms (kg) to 363 baht

. "LPG funds do not break, but it's the management of LPG and oil fund during LPG price swings," said Dr. Tawat Sutabutr, Director of the Office of Policy and Procurement. of Energy Planning (EPPO)

. The Democratic Party has also decided to seek the cooperation of PTT. LPG Exports Decline and Exclude Manufactured from the Gas Separation Plant. There is a technical need, such as the closing of LPG maintenance units, etc. The way to collect money in the fuel fund. During the first five months of this year (19659002), the figure for the first five months of this year will be 7 baht per kilogram, which will be presented to the National Energy Policy Council (NEPC) on 3 August 2018. The average import of LPG was 42,120 tons per month and the average volume of exports was 22,876 tons per month, while domestic demand was 20,000 tons per month. Imports are higher than demand. The problem is not a shortage. The meeting agreed that the level of competition in the internal market should be increased. Gas separation plants and refineries Reduce exports by focusing on the distribution of LPG. The domestic market has increased. "

Meanwhile, I agree to adjust the price to the import and LPG prices at the refinery from the change on a weekly basis.In the place, both using the average of the previous two weeks to calculate the value to be used over the next two weeks, it will come into effect on July 31 to reflect the actual transaction price.

He stated that the meeting was also reduces the compensation rate of the oil fund.For high-speed diesel from 0.50 baht / liter to 0.13 baht / liter, the discount rate for the B20 diesel engine has been reduced by 3.51 baht / liter to 3.10 baht / liter

On July 15, 2018, net additions amounted to THB 29 673 million, which resulted in an increase in liquidity of THB 724 million. per month or inflow of 24 million baht a day.

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