Capsule Rescue "Eli Musk" came to Thailand to take 13 lives out of Luang cave.


The lifebuoy capsule prepared by "Eternal Musk" was transported to Thailand. After designing and producing only a few hours, I hope to help 13 lives off the caves.

After Global billionaire Eli Musk The owners of Tesla and SpaceX announced that the 13 children who were rescued from the Luang Khun Nam Nang Nang Reservoir, in Chiang Rai Province , have made significant progress in the invention and the production of artifacts that will help the rescue team. This camera arrived in Thailand.

"Ew Inflatable" the world's leading manufacturer of rubber boats. Disclosed the so-called invention. Capsule of support to life that will serve to support the 13 lives imprisoned in the royal cave. After being helped by Eli Musk, he designed the design to help the kids. Get out of the cave filled with water.

This rescue capsule was ordered to be produced urgently. In a factory in Arcata California This plan began Friday morning. Even though there are a lot of risks involved in creating unexpected work. I have to work at the same time. It takes about 5 hours to design and produce. He started the test process immediately with people who do not swim.

Wingwindtets later contacted Eric Musk confirming that the invention was able to save 13 lives of royal caves. Well And in the same evening. Five lifejackets were carried on a private jet. And come to Thailand. Last night (July 7th) and the remaining 8 pieces are sent. To support the rescue team

for Rescue Capsules Designed for 13 rescue missions, this life uses very thick rubber. It is similar to that used to produce a rubber boat or chute before sewing with a finely mechanized machine. The design is an envelope 2.2 meters long that humans can access. With the oxygen system allows to breathe. And can float on the surface. But it is not clear if this device will be used in the mission to make live 13 lives outside the Luang Caves or not.

Ezine Musk also posted the latest Twitter message. "Although not used in this mission, Click to see more details Click to see more details" Ezine Musk "reveals a" capsule "to carry the boar out of the cave.

] >> "Eli Musk" revealed that the green light using the "capsule" took 13 lives.The caves will do it. "

>> Confirm! "E-Musik" sends engineers to Luang cave to crawl through the "giant pipe" instead of diving.

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