Channel 9 to complete the analog system on July 16


  Channel 9 to complete the analog system July 16 "title =" Channel 9 to complete the analog system July 16 "srcset =" 2018/07 / ends analog -16- Jul-this -150x150.jpg 150w, This is an analog-to-digital converter. This - 720p, 720b, Analog Termination -16- July - This 600x600.jpg 600w, / web / wp-content / uploads / 2018/07 / Analog Termination -16- Jul - This .jpg 730w "sizes =" (max-width: 420px) 100vw, 420px "/> </div>
<p style= Mr. Kham" We are ready to implement the analogue television termination plan in accordance with the NBTC Master Plan for Broadcasting. After 16 July 2018, at 18:30, Channel 9 Modern Nine will switch from analogue to digital broadcasting across the country. 9 MCOT HD 30 and MCOT digital channel numbers. FAMILY Channel 14 continues to focus on providing quality knowledge, entertainment and content in order to meet more and more the public that MCOT is ready to develop with the Thai company as a means of upgrading. Quality of life for Thais By selecting the content that meets the needs of the target audience, this leads to a sustainable return to Thai society and shareholders. "

If you encounter a problem while watching please contact .] Call You can also contact the MCOT Engineering Center at the four centers, namely the Northern Northeastern Engineering Center, the Northeast ]]

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