Daily Telegraph


Make a living for the busy month.

with the case of the BTS daily skydiving. Passengers must be crowded – piled on the BTS station. It takes hours or hours to go to work. [Retour à EurekAlert!] [Public] [Retour à EurekAlert!]. In the last 5 months, since the beginning of the year, there have been 28 disturbances, each with very different meanings

. Discard the camp's mobile communication, release the interference signal. In particular, TOT and dtac are testing the new 2300 MHz (MHz) band. But when dtac closed the wave. The accidents are still there. People calling for BOT canceled the BTS.

Finally. When the Bureau of the Broadcasting Commission Television And the National Telecommunications (NBTC) set out to investigate the problem. Everyone comes to Bang. Part of the problem comes from the company. Bangkok Transit System Public Company or BTS The use of the 2400 MHz spectrum in the provision of signaling systems

. The "public wave" serving as flammable. And a wave that everyone can come to use and use a variety of without asking permission. It's a wave for free Wi-Fi. Download video files to monitor high buildings. Including the sectors of mobile telephony, communications and business. It is widely used.

When the BTS is turned to use the wave, set the system. There is a risk of interference. When it comes to TOT and dtac testing a new 2300 MHz wave in the neighborhood. It's so unexpected.

What is the difference between a 2400 and 2400? It is important to consider the safety that comes from returning to the public to share with the public. This is not the same with the lives of passengers who have to leave the bus for the bus service, so also to the shuttle to pick up – send directly.

million. Ridikrak Khet Weerasamongkol Webmaster AD website. SL Thailand Discuss the problem of interference. The signal system of the BTS air train has been identified by the WiFi signal that is sent high into the mall. Wi-Fi setup experience in downtown Bangkok and the business district. The installation is careful to open the signal. Mainly open signal The low power transmission and signal strength is not very far, so it is not likely to affect. With the BTS system

it is said that the wave 2300-2400 MHz (WiFi) is not likely. Because of the neighborhood wave. Has been installed for more than 10 years to stir the signal has long stirred from the beginning. And when the dtac, which used the 2300 MHz wave of TOT, cut the signal from the base station to 20, but the BTS system is still a problem, showing that the problem is not d & # 39; About 2300 MHz [19659002] "BTS should disclose information that confirms that WiFi signals interfere with the MRT system and how disturbing To allow the public to know the truth." Even in the metropolitan area, 2400 MHz is used, but there are also other 700-800 MHz radios in the Metro system. "

The solution that all parties discussed at the end of last week. BTS will switch to the 1937-1952 MHz frequency range from the current spectrum used in the period 1867-1907, replacing the receiver and inserting the interference suppressor. During this time, TOT and dtac will temporarily disable the 2300 MHz band along the MRT until the upgrade is complete.

After cleaning the carpet, the spectrum was completed. The problem is that the BTS will be exhausted

but if the problem continues to lead to greater chaos. The problem with the old or the "same repetition" is that the "BTS" will have to answer the company why continue to publish the billion people to serve the public with this security on the wave. The public is always available !!!

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