Double Track Train Revision New Signage System »SpringNews


From the year 2019 to the next 5 years, travel by train or train will be convenient, fast and safe. The construction of the two trains will begin.

Prepare the construction of a double-gated double train

next year (2562) to the next five years. The train or train will be convenient, faster and safer. Bidirectional Junction at Jira-Khon Kaen Junction The project has grown by 52% to end in February. 2562

SRT It is proposed that the Board consider the approval of the construction of a railway in two phases of phase 2, amounting to over 400 billion baht then, in September, the government will review the approval. Scheduled to open all auctions this year. Slowly in early 2062, with the preparation of an improved signaling system to control the bus faster.

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