Dreaming! Every Thai person has a house.


GH Bank 1 million units monthly payments 3 thousand 40 years

"Somkid" order GH Bank – National Housing Authority Housing for low-income people – young people working – the elderly across the country "Chatchai" received a bribe to launch a large project of 1 million units to focus on the price of condominium not exceeding 1 million baht 40,000 monthly installments per month 3,000 baht per month [19659003MSomkidJatupornSripitakVice-premierministerdelacemeral& #39;ouverturedela"GHBankExpo2018"laGHBankExpo2018aétédésignéecommeunejoint-ventureentrelaGovernmentHousingBanketlaNationalHousingAuthority(NHA)LeprojetconsisteàfournirunlogementauxThaïlandaisdupaysquiontleurproprefoyerenseconcentrantsur3groupesciblesdontlepremiergroupeestceluidespersonnesàfaiblerevenuLegroupe2comprendlesjeunesenâgedetravaillerouceuxquicommencentàfonderunefamilleEtlederniergroupeestceluidespersonnesâgées

"Today & # 3 9th of July (6th of July) it is my birthday. Do you want GH presents a birthday gift by giving each Thai citizen his own home. The GH must study the models and methods to be completed within 3-4 months in order to be effective.

The Thai economy this year. To see economic growth grow by more than 4.5% due to the atmosphere of the economic situation began to improve. Investor confidence has increased. As consumers start buying better than two years ago, they want GH Bank to launch a new home loan because when the real estate industry – the better the industry, the better. Especially along the main road along the line of major road infrastructure developed by the government.

million. Chatchai Sirilai, chief executive of GH Bank, said that according to the Deputy Prime Minister's policy, the whole project will go together. NHA since the design of land allocation. Project loans to the private sector, including retail loans. The goal is to build 1 million house units for a total of at most 1 million baht, totaling 1 trillion baht, and a slice of 3,000 baht per month for 40 years for a total of period of 30 years. Minimum Months In principle, residential condominiums are located near existing residential areas in Bangkok. And by the big cities. Because the current price of land is very expensive. If the construction is a unique house. The price of land is so expensive that it can grow at a price below 1 million baht.

"The bank will be the centerpiece of the merger of private entrepreneurs, the NHA and the Treasury Department.This will not benefit.This will allow Thais to have a home in the best conditions. bank, this is only a credit sponsor. "

In case the Bank of Thailand (BOT) advised to pay attention to mortgages. He does not control the poor house now. But understand that the second or third after the purchase of speculation. Meanwhile, private banks are lending a full cap. There are also a lot of promotions.

million. Surachai Danai Tangtrakul The President said that Brunei now wanted to support the project. It will take deposits with. Non-bearing interest There are conditions. GH Bank buys prefabricated and prefabricated materials from pre-fabric factories in Brunei to invest soon in Thailand.

The "GH Bank Expo 2010" will be held on July 5. A special promotion is available to the public. So that Thais have a home. The amount of the loan application is about 4 billion baht of the amount of 6500 million baht is expected after the event will have more than ten billion loan applications. At the second home auction, which collects seized property or NPAs from state banks and government agencies, more than 10,000 items are sold or auctioned with discounts up to 60% of the normal price has already sold more than 200 items. Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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