"Eli Musk", the nickname "Ironman", visited Thailand to discuss the 13 Thais living in the cave.
July 10 Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, Tesla Motors Director and Product Architect. Thailand travel. Previously, he sent eight engineers to help. Ball and Boar Coach Taken in the Grotto On June 23, 61
the last Ezine Musik posted video footage and text in social media. "I just got back from the hallway, 3 miniature submarines available, if necessary, it was made from a Falcon 9 rocket and was called" boar "or" wild boar. "I'm going to leave here. Thailand is beautiful. "
Previous The journalist Fan page Facebook Thai Geographers has posted photos and messages. "Ein Musik spoke with the team of Tham Khun Nam Nuun, whose team leader geographer, Anukool, also attended the meeting .Thank you for coming here." Before deleting the image and the message. Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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