ETDA partners with China to launch eCommerce digital molding for SMEs – The Bangkok Insight


With over 50 million Internet users in Thailand The average usage rate is 5 hours and it is likely to increase. Impact on the lifestyle of consumers at this time. Popular online shopping. Reflect on the growth of the industry. "Ecommerce" in Thailand at high rates

Suan Kuan [Image] [image] [image] [image] Director of the Office of Electronic Transaction Development (ETDA), the Ministry of Digital Affairs for Business Economic and Social Affairs (ETDA). Said the e-commerce industry this year. The trend is high. Originally planned to be worth this year. 2.5 trillion baht 10% growth over the previous year after half a year, seeing that the expansion was better than expected. New technologies such as block chain

"Today, some people do not even know that the purchase of stickers on the line.The download of music or movies is a e-commerce form. "

EDA will summarize the figures of the e-commerce industry this year for all channels. At the 8th edition of "Future Economics and Internet Governance: Big Change at Big Chance" from 23 to 25 July 2018 at Royal Paragon Hall, 5th floor, Siam Paragon

In addition, he will work with digital manufacturers. All content to collect numbers in such a business is integrated with the e-commerce industry. It also supports the creation of the Digital Association of Thailand which includes both e-commerce members and producers of digital content. Developing the digital economy in Thailand

MOOU "China" open "Ecommerce Park"

Suranggana says to lead the e-commerce industry and business "SME" in Thailand to grow. "Electronic Commerce Park (e-Commerce Park), a new incubator for electronic commerce.To help promote the e-commerce market for SMEs

.On July 24, the MOU signed with China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Committee of Dongguan City of China.Specialize and develop eCommerce Park in China, which currently has more than 2,000 in China, which will work with 3 years EDA to establish eCommerce Park in Thailand

to establish "Ecommerce. The North "will take place later this year. Eteda also works with มหาวิทยาลัย ศรีนครินทรวิโรฒ [Faculté de génie] And College of Communication Innovation To prepare an e-commerce course For students who want to work in "Ecommerce Park", the space will be available. 39, about 1,000 m² and office. Ecommerce Park is where 500 people are trained to work for Ecommerce Park

The e-commerce park staff is responsible for supporting SMEs. E-commerce marketing training How to bring products to market platforms, brands, teaching digital content. Storytelling (storytelling) products or services that appeal to consumers.

"Thai SME .Exceptional development and service.This is a company that can compete in the global market.But the past, SMEs.Hey hard to enter the e-commerce market

e-commerce in the province

eCommerce Park is an eCommerce recruiting center with educational institutions, workers who work with e-commerce parks and will be paid during their studies. To work on e-commerce Can be requested at the e-commerce park by paying as a service fee once.

"Believe that working in eCommerce Park will meet the lifestyle of the new generation. I do not want to work. As an SME There will be e-commerce staff. Help You will not be able to do that. Looking at the opportunity to collaborate with other educational institutions such as Rajamangala University of Technology to establish an e-commerce park in the province. I think the potential e-commerce, like Chonburi, Phitsanulok, to support SMEs across the country.

organized. On the occasion of the 8th edition of ETDA, "Future Economy and Internet Governance" will be held from 23 to 25. July 2561 at 10:00 to 20:00 at Royal Paragon Hall, 5th floor, Siam Paragon. Publicize the role of ETDA over the last seven years and demonstrate its willingness to operate in the future.


especially to lead Thailand to the digital economy and strengthen knowledge. Experience and good practices to bring digital technology to the economic value added to the country, empower entrepreneurs and create jobs for the people. And get ready to support the change. At the same time, the event was a response to the 4.0 Thailand government policy, which emphasized the importance of using digital technology seriously. To increase the efficiency and increase the competitiveness of Thailand. It also boosts the interest that will lead to the digital investment of leading digital technology companies in and out of the country. Through the development of regulatory infrastructure, standards and security Or flexible infrastructure infrastructure The development of e-commerce entrepreneurs and consumer confidence in online transactions. It is estimated that 5,000 visitors will visit the site each day.

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