Have a nice day! 2 giant Oskem, no plastic bag


Major Shopping Centers Sydney Australia Take steps to stop using plastic bags with customers. The law is in force throughout the country, the four states, on Sunday, July 1, except for Victoria and New South Wales. As a result, consumer dissatisfaction has reached the point where employees do not provide plastic bags.

Coles, a West Farber retail giant, All plastic bags must be stored. The first major Woolworths rivalry began on June 20th. Customers are not satisfied with the cost of plastic bags 15 cents Australia, or about US $ 3.60 Woolworths will be released free until July 8

. Coles is also open to all payment channels. Reduce line length And add staff to explain to customers and adjust the new familiarity. According to a survey of 132 members of the Australian Workers' Clothing Association, 57 people were reportedly injured by the injunction

. According to figures from the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), more than 8 million tons of plastic bags are thrown into the sea each year. Each year, approximately 5,000 billion tons of plastic are used worldwide, and the United Nations (UN) wants to eliminate all plastic use by 2022 in more than 60 countries, and the UK has announced prohibition of plastic bags. ] (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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