JOINT MUSIC BARACHI 2 CEO! Invention Torpedo underwater


Musk and Branagh join two CEOs! Invention Underwater torpedo helps deliver wild boar

Underwater torpedo helps wild boar – July 8 The Madriverunion website is presented after hearing that Mr. Ezcar Musk, President of Tesla Space X mobilized the team to create a new invention. The Boar team and coach live in Luang Tham, Chiang Rai Mr. Andrew Branjuk, CEO of Arcata He immediately realized that he wanted to work with Mr. Ely. Save the lives of children and coaches trapped in the cave for several days.

Mr. Andrew "The engineer team called me and sent me a message in the morning.

" For me, let's call it like it. The "underwater torpedo" that can hold the person with the air tank and the fan on the inside. Therefore, we do not have time to rest.

<img class = "wp-image-1316891 size-large" src = " ทู ป 1-522×696.jpg" alt = "# madriverunion"

The engineering team of the company has realized inventions of size.Never before Including drafts of ideas and part of that on paper. "width =" 522 "height =" 696 "data-has-syndication-rights =" 1 "data-portal-copyright =" Matichon Public Co., Ltd. " srcset = " ทู ป 3-522×696.jpg 522w, uploads / 2018/07 / ทู ป 3-225×300.jpg 225w, ทู ป 3-315×420.jpg 315w, https: // ทู ป 3.jpg 640w "sizes =" (max-width: 522px) 100vw, 522px "/>


All in along the manufacturing process of the master said Andrew. "We use 30 experts and workers to help us – all these steps, the supervisors and the management team as well as the CEO, are dedicated and involved in every step, no matter how much we spend with you. 19659008] "underwater torpedoes" ” width=”522″ height=”696″ data-has-syndication-rights=”1″ data-portal-copyright=”Matichon Public Co.,Ltd.” srcset=”ทูป4-522×696.jpg 522w,ทูป4-225×300.jpg 225w,ทูป4-315×420.jpg 315w,ทูป4.jpg 640w” sizes=”(max-width: 522px) 100vw, 522px”/>


"We rushed to the extreme to complete the limited time. But do not forget to be aware of the standard and the quality of the product must be fully. And it was not long ago, our first invention was over. A 7 foot orange polyurethane jet can hold people and air tanks indoors. As for the lateral edge can be extended to the lateral thrust. "

After the test The results are as expected This invention can be contained inside by using air from the oxygen tank which connects the respirator and which can be protected from the outside. "Underwater Torpedoes" in this format in Thailand.To help 13 lives as soon as possible

  Torpedoes submarine & # 39;
  & # 39; submarine torpedoes & quot;
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