New Hybrid PC X Hybrid C is the world's first lithium-ion battery.


The motorcycle market at home increases dynamism. Many motorcycle camps have continued to launch new models of motorcycles

such as the last camp, Honda Motor Co., motorcycle market in Thailand. The new Hybrid PC X Hybrid

will be the world's first lithium-ion hybrid car

. It will be available for sale at all Honda Show Centers. "From Thailand at the beginning of the month

" Big Yoichi Mitani "Big Boss Honda Camp announced that it is the ultimate innovation, fun driving turn each time accelerate and save fuel. 19659006] On the side, "Soachart Aroon Saeng Roj", vice president of AP Honda, stressed that this launch represents another challenge for Honda.With the world's first lithium-ion hybrid battery technology, which is the world standard

it includes the following: 1. It uses the same lithium-ion battery technology as the hybrid car system 2. Powerful electric motor 3. PDU motor 4. Hybrid bearing Identical to the symbol of Hybrid car Used by Honda worldwide

By the operation of the hybrid system.For the results of the force that each time touched the acceleration.To provide an advanced driving experience with the world-class hybrid power [19659009] .Also ensures a new 14-inch alloy wheels with Michelin tires. Big upscale design with full LED lighting around the vehicle with intelligent controller. Smart Start Controller

and Intelligent Key Honda Intelligent Remote Control 3 function to help locate the car. Anti-Theft Alarm And

luxury remote control system with a new digital dashboard full of state flags. Digital Life

with Honda Smart Technology consists of PGM-FI eSP 150cc engine technology, performance, intelligent stop engine Idling Stop technology.

for trade shows will be announced again in the month. Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)

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