Oil Fund Freeze the LPG tank completely unloaded 3 billion.


3 billion baht of LPG oil funds to start a cracking tank of 117 million baht to support the gas tank price of 15 kilograms to 363 baht to claim the new subsidy …

On 16 July Mr Siriji Pongpan Minister of Energy revealed that the last was known the stability of the fuel fund. LPG represents more than 100 million baht and will maintain the price of LPG for domestic gas at a price of 363 baht per 15 kilogram tank. Even if the fuel fund in the LPG account is negative. The oil fund. There is still about 30 billion baht of turnover, which comes from the oil account that will bear the price of LPG.

Source: Ministry of Energy. At the recent Energy Policy Committee (EPC) meeting, a revolving credit line of three million baht was approved to stabilize LPG household prices. Recently, the LPG borrowed more than 100 million baht to subsidize the price of LPG tank from 15 kilograms to 363 baht since May 28th. With the approved limit of 3,000 million baht, the government will have to ask the government to approve the grant.

The last fund of July 15, 2018 accumulated funds. THB 29,556 million divided into oil accounts at THB 29,673 million and LPG accounts at 117 million THB, which was the first negative after division. n, t, s)
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