Bishan Shaheen, the Iranian oil minister, told reporters today. President Donald Trumpet of the United States OPEC (OPEC) will increase production capacity and reduce oil prices. The government and OPEC members insisted that oil production and exports from Iran would not change. The United States was under pressure
on Wednesday. President Trump accused the OPEC group of fueling world oil prices. OPEC calls for lower oil prices In addition, President Trump has called on the Saudi authorities to increase oil production. To extract the rise in oil prices,
M. Sanan said. The trumpets come out every day. As a result, the market is in an uncertain situation. And Trump pressures the OPEC to increase production.
On the side of Iranian President Hassan Raheen Revealed earlier that. Iran will impede the transit of oil in the region. If the United States uses sanctions against oil exports from Iran
US calls for countries And oil companies Oil prices are expected to be higher in the near future. Some Iranian oil customers, such as Japan, India and South Korea, have reported that they will suspend Iranian oil imports. If the United States declares the sanctions of Iran
on November 4, it has been 180 days since President Donald Tusk. Trump announced the withdrawal of the Iranian nuclear deal in May. This will allow President Trump to issue a new order to boycott Iran.
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