Power Station – Energy Control Building | bangkoktoday


  DEDE FACTORY - Control of the reduction of building energy

Statements 220 Open to the final round.

DEDE is moving forward with the project to promote the use of automated control systems and the Internet of Things as well as energy-efficient equipment in the building. The total amount of 220 million baht is open to private candidates who are interested in the last round up to 31 July.
Mr. Prapon Wongthong, Director General of the Department of Development and Alternative Energy Efficiency (DEDE) Invited to the registered establishment or under the registration of the building / plant with the DEDP to participate promoting automatic control systems and systems. Internet of things with energy saving features. In order to maximize the energy efficiency of the production process and reflect the reduction of energy costs for operators, the country also saves energy in accordance with the purpose of the energy conservation plan. energy and in accordance with Thai policy. Earth 4.0

<img class = "alignnone size-medium wp-image-110986" src = "http://bangkok-today.com/web/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/1532146583560-420×315 .jpg "alt =" 1532146583560 "width =" 420 "height =" 315 "srcset =" http://bangkok-today.com/web/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/1532146583560-420×315.jpg 420w, http://bangkok-today.com/web/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/1532146583560-768×576.jpg 768w, http://bangkok-today.com/web/wp-content/uploads/2018/ 07 / 1532146583560-720×540.jpg 720w, http://bangkok-today.com/web/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/1532146583560-600×450.jpg 600w, http://bangkok-today.com/web/wp -content / uploads / 2018/07 / 1532146583560.jpg 1478w "sizes =" (maximum width: 420px) 100vw, 420px "IOT is a new technology to help people. The information that will be put into practice such as the consumption of energy. Energy level notification Maximum energy consumption demand And energy conservation measures. At the moment, there are private companies that want to join the program gradually. "19459003]  1532146581285
DEDE provided funding through the Energy Conservation Promotion Fund (FIDF), amounting to about 220 million of baht, which will represent 20% of investments in energy saving measures, but will not exceed 10% Million Baht per person They will also support the costs of consulting, design and control of works in the building / factory.The project is in the process of conducting the investigation and design of the automatic control system and the Internet of things with economy equipments. energy at the rate of 2% of the investment, but not exceeding 1 million baht per person.

The private sector is gradually developing, however, if you are interested, please send your application form with the parts vouchers or details

What do you think?

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