Quick! Tomorrow oil Who does not fill the tank? Fill in before the long break – the news.


Quick! I do not know why.

During long vacations 4 days, anyone who has to go to the program should be shocked when the price of oil again. On July 27, 2018, at 05:00, PTTOR increased the retail prices of all kinds of oil by 50 satang / liter (with the exception of E85 of 30 satang / liter). The price of gasoline is 95 baht / liter Gasohol 95 = 30.05 baht / liter Gasohol 91 = 29.78 baht / liter E85 = 27.14 baht / liter E85 = 21.34 baht / liter gasoil = 29,49 baht / liter premium gasoil = 32,49 baht / liter

On August 24, 2561, the retail price of all kinds of oils reached 40 satang / liter (with the exception of l & # 39; E85).

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