Rice lost more than 1 million tonnes of commercial products.


Nb. Ordered to find more than 1 million tons of rice lost from the account "Commerce". Mickey Mouse Factory China advance […] [Nouvelles] As a working group, rice stocks. Reported to the Rice Policy and Management Committee (NBC) has recognized the amount of rice in government stocks that are still stuck with warehouse organizations (OIC) and the Farmers Market Organization ( TK.) This can not be removed. Since this rice disappeared from the account of a total volume of 940,000 tons, the NBC has ordered the acceleration of the missing rice from the record.

For the rice that is missing on the account. The National Food Security Council (NCC) received from the government a rice stock of 18.7 million tonnes, but the result was a record 17.76 million tonnes, or 940,000 tonnes. The price of paddy rice to be pledged is approximately 24 000 baht per ton, which corresponds to 225 600 000 baht, which has been notified to the agencies concerned. And follow the lost rice. But until now, no progress.

however. After the Ministry of Commerce reported to the NBC, the latest report was submitted to the Office of the Auditor General (OAG) to determine the amount of rice. And also enjoined the CIC and the prosecutor to sue the owner of the warehouse. Rice inspection company (Servier) and rice paddy who lost rice account

last Public stocks that can be auctioned are about 70,000 tons of degraded rice in groups 2 and 3 or rice in non-consuming industries. And enter the non-human and animal industries. The auction is expected to take place soon and the Foreign Trade Department is currently studying rice in other regions. There are about 700,000 tonnes of rice auctioned, of which about 300,000 tonnes are expected. Because of rice problems. The rice does not comply with the quality of BOT ordered BOT and BOT to speed up the offer of accepting rice. If you do not accept responsibility, you must seek legal liability.

million. Kirati Ratchako, Deputy Director General of the Department of Foreign Trade, said that the Joint Committee for Trade, Investment and Economic Cooperation between Thailand and China (JC) on August 26, 61, in the field of agricultural cooperation between Thailand and China. The Ministry of Foreign Trade will discuss with the Office of Railway Construction And imports of agricultural products from the Chinese government. (Ndc) will sign a contract to buy Thai rice for another million tonnes after the two countries have signed a protocol agreement for state-owned rice trade (G-2 ). 2 million tons, which earlier He is currently negotiating the delivery of 6 lots of 100,000 tons, while the remaining one million has not yet been signed.

"MDA in China." The purchase of 2 million tons of rice from Thailand is an agreement in the current government, as the two countries signed the first million tons of contracts. State importing Chinese rice The imported rice was already 500 000 tonnes of the first contract of 1 million tonnes and is being negotiated in lot 6, ie 100 000 tonnes more or 600 000 tonnes 6, which is seen as the high-speed train is progressing.China should sign a contract on the second million tonnes, which should be signed at the JCT-China meeting, "said Kirati

. July-July 61 Thai exports reached 6.15 million tonnes, up 1.49% over the same period last year, with exports of 6.06 million tonnes valued at 3.141 billion tonnes dollars, up 20.95%. ] (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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