Sad! Chinese President HNA Group has slammed the wall of the French


Chinese billionaire The chairman of the giant "HNA Group" was the victim of a fall from a wall in Provence France after climbing a wall to photograph it

. BBC Wang Jian, 57, a 57-year-old Chinese billionaire, co-founder and chairman of the giant "HNA Group", was injured in the wall of the village of Bonnieux in Provence. Southern France Tuesday, July 3, while Mr. Hope

French police said that Mr. Jian had fallen victim to the fall of the wall. As they stood near the wall. For the family to take a picture. Then, unexpectedly, Mr. Hope, who climbed up to take a picture on the wall, about 15 feet off the ground. He was seriously injured.

The HNA Group companies issued a statement confirming the death of Mr. Wang Jian and expressed their sincere condolences to Mr. Wang's family and friends. A lot of hope. Jian

M. Hao Jian is one of the co-founders of HNA, which started as a regional airline. For more than 20 years, and exalted the airline's business, hotel, tourism, banking and growth. Up to 500 companies have risen to become one of the largest companies in the world. It employs more than 400,000 people worldwide and is also a major shareholder of Deutsche Bank, Hilton Hotels. And the skyscrapers of London

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