Photo: Phuket Tourist Association
Send 2 Chinese children who crashed in Phuket I have a small injury in China and the first contract to come back.
According to the Phuket International Airport (ATP) has established a tourist assistance center. It is integrated in Phuket. Thailand Tourism Authority Ministry of Tourism and Sports, Airline and Public Company Limited To help and coordinate family tourists who encounter tourist boats collapsed in the sea. July 7
at 19:00 on July 8 Wang Weili and Wang Yiming, Chinese nationals, were received. Minor injuries of such events. Return to Shanghai. JuneYao Air flight to H0 1314
both thanking the staff of all Phuket agencies for the care and coordination.
Thailand Tourist Center at Phuket International Airport It will be open 24 hours as follows: Chek-in Hall, departure from arrival, 3rd floor, international passenger terminal Phone Number 0- 7635-2363-2, Arrivals Hall, 1st Floor, International Passenger Terminal, Tel: 0-7635-2363-3 and Arrivals Hall, 1st Floor, Domestic Terminal. Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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