The Cabinet of Perennial Loan.


"Commerce" urged to increase the guarantee to save

"Trade". An "economically valuable perennial" is used as a guarantee of business creation. Hoping to encourage people to plant perennials in their own country. For future savings Create value and increase wilderness area

Ms. Kulanee Isisiddhi, general manager of business development department, revealed that the Ministry of Commerce Cabinet will propose to the Cabinet to approve the project commercial settlement to add other assets as collateral for businesses. To borrow money from financial institutions. Under the Business Act, Business Security BE 2558 in drafting the said Ministerial Regulations. Other assets have been added as collateral. Perennial plant with economic value According to the proposal of the National Commission for Social Reform to encourage people to plant perennial trees in the land title to save. Creation of economic value And increase the forest area in the country. People can enjoy the trees during planting. The loan is secured by a financial institution. Mr. Sonthi Sondhijira, Minister of Commerce, has approved and will propose.

For this announcement. The Department received opinions from the public and private sectors, such as the Bureau of Fiscal Policy. Cooperative Social Reform Commission of the Department of Private Forests, Forestry Department, Forestry Organization Bank of Thailand for Agricultural and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC), Government Savings Bank, Thailand Small and Medium Business Development Bank ( SME Bank). Give a perennial The economic value as a commercial guarantee

perennial with the economic value. There are about 58 names such as teak, rosewood, rosewood, tamarind, tamarind, rhubarb, neem, tiger, tiger, raspberry, tarpaulin, raspberry, tamarind, jasmine, jasmine, jasmine, wood, bamboo, all kinds of wood. Mango

"After the announcement.Operators with these woods Can be used as commercial guarantee.Buy money with financial institutions.No other assets required.Used as collateral.According to Business Collateral Act BE 2558 which allows borrowers to use other types of assets Non-real estate loans Smaller entrepreneurs can more easily access the capital. "

Ms. Kulanee said. After that The commercial guarantee has been in force since July 2016, with most other data entry operators. Used in business as a guarantee for business. There are animals and elephants. In total, 13 million baht and 514 enterprises included restaurants, clothing, laundry, vegetable gardens, rubber plantations, dormitories and construction contracts totaling 97 million baht, worth $ 100 million. of bahts.

"The introduction of new classes of assets as a commercial guarantee Demonstrate the variety of types of properties, and these assets are well accepted by financial institutions in terms of lending." This reflects this. This is an important mechanism to help SMEs access capital, "said Kulanee.There are six types of assets that can be used as commercial collateral: 1. Businesses 2. Claims, such as bank account leases, trade receivables, etc. 3. Movable property used in the business such as machinery, inventory, raw materials, etc. 4. Real estate in the case where the applicant 5. Intellectual property, such as trademarks, copyrights, etc. 6. Other assets as prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations. a company guarantee contract From July 4, 2016 to July 3, 2018 included 210,730 commercial security registration applications, the value of assets used as collateral amounting to 4,849 billion baht. [19659010] (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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