The countdown "Trans Fat" Day announces the victory of consumers


The Thai proverb teaches us that children do not … A good fortune It is always true that the world is a modern society and never changes. Except old Degeneration of age And the Buddha will arrive only

but no disease can occur in any way. The answer is simple. […] I'm not sure what you're talking about You are so

And when you eat more. Mostly eat things that are not good for the body. Diseases will also affect you more. That day Not only will you be sick of an illness, you can not walk or have to sleep on the bed. But the money that prevented all hard work is gone because of the remedy that can again lead to bankruptcy.

Because of the high medical costs today. And also tend to be more expensive. Up to the poor

As mentioned above. To again inform the reader that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Ministry of Public Health Ministerial Regulation was published in the Government Gazette on July 13, 2061, the object of food that prohibits production , the import or distribution of raw materials called. Trans fatty acids, which are mixed or produced in a variety of foods. To be effective within 180 days or from January 2062

. Trans fatty acids from partially hydrogenated oils (partially hydrogenated oils) contribute to the increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Under the Minister of Health, "ban" food production using partially hydrogenated oils. And some foods that contain hydrogenated hydrogen as a component, including the import and sale of food.

Dr. Asadang Richayanun, Deputy Director General and Spokesperson of the Department of Disease Control mentioned this case. The Department of Disease Control is concerned about the health of the population. Trans fat is the cause of coronary heart disease. Obesity, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure And Heart Disease.

This situation in Thailand. There are probably patients. And the death toll has increased. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death among Thais, with an average of 20,000 deaths per year, new patients being on average 30,000 more each year and those suffering from hypertension in the last five years ( 2013-2020). The disease rate per 100,000 population increased from 12,342 to 14,926. In addition, diabetes Patients with cumulative morbidity increased to 8.9% (about 5 million) .According to the results of the fifth Thai survey on Health in 2014

Numerous epidemiological studies show that trans fat in the diet lowers LDL (low-cholesterol lipoprotein) levels in the blood and lowers HDL (high-density lipoprotein) levels. good cholesterol in the blood.

With Do not eat trans fats. It can prevent acute myocardial infarction in the population. In addition, many foods that contain trans fat include potatoes, donuts, baked goods, snacks, creams and other foods. Pour cream, white butter, margarine and cookies, etc.

Consumers should read the nutrition label carefully before making a purchase or eating. Look at the Nutrition Facts table and Nutrition Facts Total Fats If you use trans fats. In this area also found trans fat in cooking oil. This is due to the reaction between oil and hydrogen in food. And

Reduce the chances of trans fat in oil is to choose the right oil for the type of food, such as fried or eaten raw, choose olive oil. Or soybean oil fried foods should use palm oil or coconut oil. It can withstand high heat.

Dr. Asadang added that the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) recommend people not to consume more 0% trans fat. All energy received in 1 day (or in 2.2 grams)

Avoid trans fat can be achieved.

1. Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables. Should reduce / avoid eating different types of bakery, especially flaky and feminine (pies with pages such as pineapple / cherry) 3. Should reduce / avoid fried foods. Stir in fried foods with high oil content. 4. Read the nutrition label carefully before making a purchase or eating. If you have any questions, please contact the Department of Disease Control. 1422

nutritionists also warned. Trans bold written on this label. This product contains 0% trans fat, it must also be careful. In fact, there may be mixed trans fat. Since the law allows manufacturers to round the excess, but less than 1%, as 0% trans fat, the truth can be 0.5% per unit consumption

. The trans fat 0 by 1 serving equals 1 teaspoon or 3 grams if you eat more than one teaspoon or more. I eat a lot of them without knowing it. The trans fat that the body receives will also be great.

5 The food is near. "Trans fat" exceeds the norm. Is trans fat content of 0.08 to 15.32 g / 100 g

2. Fried donuts have a trans fat content of 0.02 to 5.14 g per 100 g

. The amount of trans fat 0.03-4.39 g per 100 g

4. Trans and female fat content 0.01-2.46 g per 100 g

5. Chocolate wafers Trans fat content 0.06-6.24 grams per 100 grams.

Research has shown that. Trans fat consumption caused by industrial processes. The death rate from heart disease. At the same time, the consumption of trans fats from natural sources does not affect cardiovascular mortality.

Prof. Dr. Wanthanee Kriangsinyos Chairman of the Nutrition Program And Food Preparation Institute of Nutrition Mahidol University revealed that trans fat effect. It is found in many countries, such as India and Pakistan, where the restaurant uses vanaspati oil, made from palm oil. And It Is Likely That The Rate Of Heart Disease Among South Asian Populations High Abnormal
By In Pakistan According to a Nutrition magazine study, men in Pakistan are 62% more likely to die from heart attacks than people in Pakistan England and Wales. Reapplication of used oil. [Ajouter à Longdo] WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO? If trans fats are removed from the global food industry by 2023, this effort could save more than 10 million of people around the world.

Made of many food manufacturers camps. And drinks. KFC McDonald's Pizza Hut and KFC Lay's Krey Lay include a variety of snacks. And sweetened condensed milk, etc. to clarify. Educating Consumers about the Benefits of Branded Foods on "Safe" Foods and Trans Fats Without Ever Being 100%

Since Ms. Kannikar Chinsit Director of Marketing and Communications Brand, Black Canyon, said that 39 was good for consumers. But as an entrepreneur who sells a variety of products. Some coffee drinks use sweetened condensed milk with trans fatty acids. It needs to be accelerated within the organization to improve the formula does not use raw materials containing trans fatty acids in all food, bakery and beverages

. Miss Aesana Mahagitsiri The owner of the Pizza Hut franchise has confirmed that Pizza Hut is entirely free of trans fat. As the world's leading brand, it pays great attention to quality, cleanliness, taste and food safety.

Building Trust And Mrs. Uasanee, President of Kingfood Group, imports and markets the leading brands of bakery products in the world, such as Krispy Cream, I Hop and Sin Ninn. , Boogie Brothers, Piece of Fate, and Jambs, she has long criticized that. We are determined to be honest with ourselves and our customers. Even with the use of 0% trans fat, the cost of production will increase by 15%.

Mr. Kamthon Silas President, Manufacturing and Finance, S & P ["Wehavenothadtheopportunity""todoit"hehasstatedtheanalysisoftheproductsoftheboulangerproductsof2006or10yearshadeliminatedfirstfirstcontentsandfollowedtheanalysisfortoensurethatthemilkisremovedfromthemarketforthesakeoftheproductofhydrogenhydrogenallalong

Ditto "McDonald's" Fast Food I went out. KFC has announced that one of the most vibrant restaurants in Thailand, All menus are available at KFC. Free of 100% trans fat, because KFC Thai follows the policy of the parent company in the United States. To cancel the sale of food containing trans fat since 2015

as well. Pepsi-Cola (Thai) Trading a leading manufacturer and distributor of snacks. The potato chips, "Sun", Sunblock, Sunblock, Twist, Doritos and Chocos do not use trans fats. "Lay" uses rice bran oil

Jasmine Milk also confirmed that the company has never used oil that produces trans fatty acids. No need to adjust the formula. Or any change. Consumers are assured that jasmine milk is as safe

. Nestle that eliminates trans fats since 2014 in all products, whether it's coffee, cream, milk, Milo or even department stores like Central Plaza or Tesco Lotus and Siam Makro. Affirm They classify all safe products to consumers

. Mr. Wisit President of the Food Industry Group The Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) stated that the members of the group had been preparing for it for some time. The formula can be adjusted successfully. I agree Little manufacturer In the case of a vegetable brewed at home, the family may also need to know more about the use of trans fatty acids, which will be published July 23. All information and admit that the adjustment of the production formula can increase the cost.

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