The dollar rises 110 yen before the United States – China opens the tax war


The dollar rebounded to 110 yen today, boosted by a rise in euros / yen. But the dollar's positive range is limited. The United States and China will launch tomorrow a tax war at 0:01 in the morning

The Thai dollar has appreciated from 0.20% to 110.67% The euro has risen by 0.47% at 129.36 yen and increased by 0.30%. At $ 1,1689, while the dollar index which measures the movement of the dollar against the six major currencies of the basket, minus 0.29% to 94.40.

The dollar bought on investors buying euros / yen. After the publication of the strong manufacturing sector of Germany

tomorrow. The United States will impose a 25% tax on products imported from China for more than 800 items valued at $ 3.4 billion. Meanwhile, China is preparing to raise a 25% tax on US products for the same amount tomorrow.

The Chinese Ministry of Commerce announced today that. The United States is injured. Including harming the world With additional taxes

"If the United States declare additional taxes It would be taxable for companies in China and companies around the world.We also have a US company," said Gao Feng, spokesman of the Ministry of Commerce.

million. Kao points out that China is an important sponsor. And the participants in globalization. And the global networks of the industry. Most of China's exports are products made by foreign companies in China. And in this issue.

"The simplest thing is if the United States pulls on the world.It's like you're firing a gun at yourself," he said.

At the same time, Mr. Richard Grenne, US Ambassador to Germany The company's management said that the European car company. President Donald Trump is ready to cancel 20% tax on imported cars from Europe. If the European tax cuts on American cars are the same

the German newspaper Handelsblatt reported. Mr Grenelle said yesterday to the management of Daimler, Volkswagen and BMW

that VDA, the German car dealers' association, said Both sides abolished taxes. And the commercial wall between them. This is a great signal

. Investors are also monitoring the release of the non-farm payroll tomorrow. This will indicate the upward trend in US interest rates this year.

– InfoQuest 02-2535000 Email: [email protected]

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