The Mahabharata Campaign


Start Today US Trade with China Begins With 25% import tax on both sides amounted to $ 34 billion, to $ 1.122 trillion and at $ 50 billion, or $ 1.65 trillion respectively. It can rise to $ 1 trillion, $ 33 trillion if President Trump the unfortunate leaders of the United States. Do not reduce the craze. Thailand is inevitable. Direct and indirect, but the Ministry of Commerce. It's always calm.

US-Chinese trade – Europe – Canada – Mexico to President Trump J was raised as a "Mahabharata trade", but the loser is not the winner, the most shattered country being the United States. American roots will be universal Pages

J. Morgan. US financial institutions have analyzed this. "Trumponomics", the trumpet-based economy that holds "the United States as the center of the world", is the only "undesirable" policy since the war of trump cards on trade with China . US stocks have lost more than $ 1 trillion of more than $ 33 trillion since March. The US stock market lost 4.5% to $ 1.25 trillion.

The Mahabharata War in the United States. The first step in the US financial turmoil is more than 41 trillion baht, the United States will not win the war.

Financial Times Of England Commercial War President Trump Created This Time. It can be worth $ 1 trillion, $ 33 trillion, or about a quarter of the value of US trade with the rest of the world in 2017, with $ 3.9 trillion in the world, $ 128.7 trillion Baht, or 6% of the value of world trade in 2017, worth $ 17.5 trillion, was $ 577.5 billion (data from the World Trade Organization) [19659006]. The United States and China will lift a 25% tax on imported goods worth $ 34 billion, but in the future they will rise to $ 50 billion according to the goal ad. And last June. President Trump has announced $ 200 billion more in Chinese tariffs to counter China's response to the United States. And that will add another $ 200 billion if China continues to fight back, including President Trump. The United States has framed the $ 450 billion rise in commodity taxes, which equates to the Thai currency of $ 14.85 billion.

In 2017, US imports totaled $ 505.5 billion and exports to China $ 129.9 billion. If the United States collected $ 450 billion worth of Chinese goods, they would not sell to the United States. I believe that the United States will collapse in front of China. It's a free economy. But China has survived. Because it's a communist system.

Financial Times Auto Wars, President of Trump, announced that it would increase taxes on imported cars and parts, by opening up to Europe, Japan, China and Thailand. But it also affected Japan, China, Canada, Mexico and Thailand, which exported cars and parts to the United States.

Trump would forget that last year, the United States imported vans, auto parts. Millions of dollars more than the United States themselves. If nobody sells cars in the United States. Americans must rely on cars as a leg to go.

Fitch Ratings, a leading rating agency. The trade war between the United States and its trading partners. As a result, the global financial crisis will have a major impact on world trade of more than $ 2 trillion, to $ 66 trillion. I'm waiting for the disaster.

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