In the case of Eli Musk, the billionaire CEO of SpaceX, Tesla and Bering helped 13 wild boar lives. "escape capsule" with "air bellows with air lock" to carry 12 children and coach out of Luang cave Yesterday, l " Thai rescue team has joined forces with some of the best divers in the world, helping 4 members of the wild boar, but still intends to help.
About the high-tech equipment that will be sent to help the muscles. Dr. Garnet Pibulsaroj, Security Specialist made an interesting comment. With the TEAM News Online, the use of high tech gadgets from EzineArticles is highly appreciated. The sincerity to help 13 Thais living in Luang cave, but in fact, the use of this material in the Luang Caves.
"The area to use is complex and twisted The smaller channel is 70 cm in angle, but it is still unknown.In addition to the people who have been to the cave.The past Thai officials and the divers to help How to use the device to help? It must be evaluated and taken into account.Because of how children.
Security experts believe that the device will be strong and durable. It can handle the impact but may have communication problems with the child inside. Because children can communicate difficulties. This can be communicated through communication tools. Different from the way to dive children. Divers and support staff can communicate with children at any time.
When asked if the Musk Muscle capsule could weigh up to 40 kg, would that pose a problem? It's important. If it is light. This will help to transport it easily. I do not have water in the cave. It is a labyrinth to climb the ramp, but it is believed that the machine is highly secure. Will it be available? Good to use
"I think the person is supposed to be happy.As a Thai researcher, I was happy.At the world level, he is interested in helping.If it works, it's going to be awesome, "said Garnet.
For the device, it was reported that the device had been tested in a pool in Los Angeles. By Muske said the diver's weight belt is wrapped around the mini liner from the outside. The mini-liner weighs only 40 kg in a dry place, so it is transported in a dry cave passage.Musck also said that he delivered the capsule to Thailand at 4:00 pm (Thailand time) and It takes 17 hours to deliver the capsule. And hope to benefit.
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